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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

The Analysis of Relationship between Self-Leadership Strategies and Components of Quantum Organization at Universities

Aghababaei, Razieh, Hoveida, Reza, Rajaiepour, Saeid

Open access

Leadership plays an important role in flourishing of organizations. Now, more than ever, leaders must play the key role in helping organizations cope with the challenges they face from psychological matters. The purpose of this research was to study relationship between self leadership strategies and components of quantum organization at universities. The research hypotheses were examined while considering self- leadership strategies based on demographic variables (field of study, scientific degree, and employment status). This study was conducted using the correlation method. The statistical population consisted of 1899 faculty members in the University of Teheran and University of Isfahan in academic year 2012 till 2013; from the 1899, 228 were chosen by using stratified randomized sampling. The information gathering tools were self leadership questionnaire with 28 items and researcher-made quantum organization questionnaire with 27 items were distributed to targeted population. Out of 228 questionnaires we received 210 completed questionnaires. This represents a response rate is quite suitable for this type of study. The results indicate that self-leadership strategies and components of quantum organization are bigger than average and there is a significant relationship between self leadership strategies and component of quantum organization at universities.

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(Aghababaei et al., 2013)
Aghababaei, R., Hoveida, R., & Rajaiepour, S. (2013). The Analysis of Relationship Between Self-Leadership Strategies and Components of Quantum Organization at Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 2(5), 180–190.