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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Exploring the Relationship between Transformational, Transactional Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment among Nigerian Banks Employees

Fasola O.S, Adeyemi M.A, Olowe F.T, Olowe F.T, Moradeyo O.A, Babalola O.A

Open access

The study investigated the relationship between transformational, transactional leadership style and their dimensions on the organizational commitment among Nigerian banks employees. The targeted population consisted of all employees in banks in Ibadan. The sample was made up of 80 employees from 10 banks randomly selected. The instrument used for the study was tagged Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ). Correlation coefficient and multiple regressions were used to analyze data. The results of the study showed that there is positive relationship between Transformational, transactional Leadership and organizational commitment. Results also revealed that the impact of transactional leadership styles on the commitment of banking employees in Nigeria is more effective than the transformational style. The study recommended that managers should positively reward the employees with praise or recognition when they perform at or above expectations. Similarly, negative rewarding approach should also be used in the form of correction, coercion, criticism, and/or other forms of punishment, when performance is below the expected standard

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(O.S et al., 2013)
O.S, F., M.A, A., & F.T, O. (2013). Exploring the Relationship between Transformational, Transactional Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment among Nigerian Banks Employees. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 2(6), 81–90.