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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

I Can’t but I Can: Writing with the Left Hand in Primary School Classrooms

Rose Mugweni, Kudzai Chinyoka, Emily Ganga

Open access

Left-handed children from infancy right through their primary school days struggle to overcome the annoyance and frustration of living in a right-handed world. Resources and ideas specifically give best techniques to right-handed learners across the school curriculum, thereby marginalising left-handers. It is evident that children who are left-handed can learn new skills efficiently without awkwardness or frustration, to achieve their potential. This study aimed to (1) explore the experiences of left-handed learners in primary schools (2) Establish strategies teachers use to teach young children who are left-handed. (3) Document perceptions on how teacher-learner interactions affect left-handed children’s learning and development. The Person-Environment Fit (PEF) Theoretical framework guided the study. A fundamental premise of PEF theory is that stress arises from a misfit between the person and environment.
A qualitative phenomenological case study was employed. The sample comprised of 40 participants. Twenty (20) teachers and twenty (20) learners were purposively selected from five (5) primary schools in Masvingo urban. Taking note of the learner’s own voices was imperative in determining how they experienced writing with the left-hand in dominant right-handed classrooms. Data were collected through focus group discussions, individual interviews and observations. Tesch’s open coding qualitative data analysis tool was used to analyse data.
Results show that left-handed learners had varied experiences ranging from sad emotions due to perceptions of marginalisation and negative labels; to happy emotions of success and positive self-efficacy. Techniques like exploring with both hands, hand dominance verbalisation, use of ‘tripod’ grasp, writing paper and model placement, right hand as ‘helper hand’ and use of ICT technologies were employed in the classrooms. Overall interactions negatively and positively affected children’s learning and development. Among others, it was recommended that there was need for teachers, learners and parents to collaborate in order to alleviate challenges experienced by left-handers in primary school classrooms for positive development.

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In-Text Citation: (Mugweni, Chinyoka, & Chinyoka, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mugweni, R., Chinyoka, K., & Chinyoka, K. (2018). I Can’t but I Can: Writing with the Left Hand in Primary School Classrooms. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 7(4), 376–386.