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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Influences of Knowledge Sharing in Improving Facilities Management Performance of Private Finance Initiative Projects

Irwan Mohammad Ali, Mohd Azian Zaidi, Kharizam Ismail, Mohamed Imran Mohamed Ariff

Open access

Managing organization performance is very important in supply chain management. The situation is more critical in delivering public demands to develop and supply new facilities under Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects. Thus, numerous issues and problems occurs in PFI projects that can affect the performance of Facilities Management (FM) phase has been highlighted by many researchers repetitively. This cross-sectional research aims are to discovers the influences of Knowledge Sharing (KS) in improving performance of PFI projects at FM phase. A set of questionnaires was developed and distributed to 151 respondents who is directly involve as practitioners in PFI-FM projects. However, only 111 responses were analysed using the SmartPLS 3.0 software. The finding shows that working culture (WC), staff attitude (SA), motivation to share (MV) and opportunities to share (OP) has significant influences with KS towards performance of PFI projects at FM phase. Meanwhile, nature of knowledge to share (NK) not significantly influences KS in PFI-FM projects.

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In-Text Citation: (Ali, Zaidi, Ismail, & Ariff, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Ali, I. M., Zaidi, M. A., Ismail, K., & Ariff, M. I. M. (2019). Influences of Knowledge Sharing in Improving Facilities Management Performance of Private Finance Initiative Projects. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(2), 971–988.