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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Benefits of Sustainable Practices to Existing Buildings: Perception of Local Authorities in Malaysia

Nurul Faizah Hamzah, Mohamad Sufian Hasim

Open access

Buildings has contributed almost 30% to carbon emission worldwide which also contributed to the climate changes. Over 30 year ago until today, building stocks has rising drastically in fulfilling the needs and humankind greediness. Yet, the rising of building stocks become a major challenge in improving the sustainability impact especially the environmental aspects. Since, building stocks has expanding without control will increase the numbers of carbon emission produced from existing building. This scenario urges a transformation to embedded sustainability practices in existing buildings and existing buildings should not be neglected. However, benefits of implementations, rarely to be highlighted especially in public sector mainly in local authorities’ existing building. This study highlights the benefits of sustainable initiatives implemented by local authorities to inspire others in adopting sustainable initiatives. Using semi structured interview with selected top management in local authorities. The information obtained yet, was analysed using content analysis method. The findings discovered eight (8) benefits obtained from sustainable initiatives in local authorities existing building. Unfortunately, the initiatives outcome only focuses on economy aspects compared environment and social aspect of Tipple Bottom Line (TBL). Hence, benefits of sustainable initiatives on economic aspects need to be tied up and balance with environment and social benefits in order to reduce huge gap in TBL aspects and to inspire others adopting sustainable concept. Thus, further research required to measure the effectiveness from environmental benefits, social and economic outcome.

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In-Text Citation: (Hamzah & Hasim, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hamzah, N. F., & Hasim, M. S. (2019). The Benefits of Sustainable Practices to Existing Buildings: Perception of Local Authorities in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(2), 1100–1107.