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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Perceived Benefits of E-Commerce among Manufacturing and Merchandising Companies

Muhammed Kursad Ozlen, Ensar Mekic, Ena Kumbara

Open access

In today’s economy, no company considers its operations without its virtual presence on internet. Therefore, companies are considering the efficiency and effectiveness of their implemented internet facilities. The main goal of this research is to examine the perceptions of manufacturing and merchandising companies’ employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) about the usefulness of Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce). Survey was developed based on five variables derived from carefully analyzed literature. Two hundred respondents from both manufacturing and merchandising companies were surveyed, and they generally agreed that E-Commerce can be a useful tool to make product available, attractive and suitable to sell it online. This research may be interesting that future studies can extend their operations according to the findings of the study.

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(Ozlen et al., 2014)
Ozlen, M. K., Mekic, E., & Kumbara, E. (2014). Perceived Benefits of E-Commerce among Manufacturing and Merchandising Companies. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 3(2), 21–30.