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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Globalization: The Tendency of Increasing Sales and Production through Outsourcing

Elhami Shaqiri

Open access

The globalization of the world economy has relieved control over to the open-market rules and regulations, and that is of great significance for enterprises who aim to extant their activities into the new markets, because this would enable them to compete on equal footings with the other companies, such as local ones for instance. It is evident that multinationals want to be present where: (1) demand and supply can be met in the most efficient and profitable circumstances, and (2) the production factors such as labor, capital, and technology can be obtained and used at the lowest possible cost, this of course with the aim of maximizing their overall profits.

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(Shaqiri, 2013)
Shaqiri, E. (2013). Globalization: The Tendency of Increasing Sales and Production Through Outsourcing. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 2(4), 99–108.