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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

The Effect of Occupational Health and Safety, Work Accidents and Skills of Construction Workers on the Quality of Life of Construction Industry Workers in Indonesia

Muhammad Ridha Akbar Martiano, Dan Anton Soekiman

Open access

The construction industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly in line with increasing demand and involves many construction workers. The problem faced is that the welfare and quality of life of construction workers is still relatively low and this makes the quality of construction workers in Indonesia also relatively low. One of the reasons is because of the high cost of access and the lack of time and opportunity for these non-formal workers to get education and training in order to improve their skills in the construction sector. The welfare and quality of life of construction workers is also related to Occupational Safety and Health (K3), which in its application in Indonesia by construction companies has not been implemented properly.
This study aims to examine the effect of occupational safety and health (K3) in construction, work accidents and construction worker skills on the quality of life of construction workers in Indonesia. The data was collected through a survey of construction workers in West Java, and the analysis was carried out by means of descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis.
The results of the analysis show that the worker's perspective on occupational health, work accidents, worker skills and quality of life of workers is at a high level, while the perspective of workers on job safety is at a high enough level. The analysis also shows that the quality of life of construction workers in Indonesia is not influenced by age, experience and type of construction work (structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical). Meanwhile, occupational accidents and occupational health have an effect on increasing the skills of construction workers. The results of the analysis also showed that the health of workers and workers' skills had an effect on the quality of life of construction workers. However, the correlation analysis shows that the relationship between the variables of occupational health factors, workers' skills and work accidents on the quality of life of construction workers has a less significant correlation.

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In-Text Citation: (Martiano & Soekiman, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Martiano, M. R. A., & Soekiman, D. A. (2021). The Effect of Occupational Health and Safety, Work Accidents and Skills of Construction Workers on the Quality of Life of Construction Industry Workers in Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Managment and Sciences, 10(1), 66-74.