The writing of this social science concept paper is conducted to explore the elements acting method implementation a Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) in education. Therefore, by researching the understanding of Secondary School Standard Curriculum (KSSM) in the implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs), and how teachers make critical transformations Incorporate into the teaching plan, and implement teaching through the curriculum. The research was intended to introduce the modification of the acting method as an alternative method or known as critical pedagogy to strengthening the student aspirations. In addition, the acting method in depth through the transformation approach of Theater Arts such as Constantine Stanislavky (1946), Bertolt Brecht (1956) and Augusto Boal (1978). The culture of education in Malaysia, which is still based on a teacher-centered pedagogical approach, raises the question of the extent to which Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) can be implemented more comprehensively by using the acting method in teacher pedagogical. This article discusses the critical pedagogy idea pioneered by Paulo Freire (1970) for creating the transformation of educational culture towards the curriculum. The design of this study is qualitative and case study strategy. The implication of this article is the need to transform the culture of teaching and learning to be more open, friendly, and not too formal as well as to celebrate the diversity of students' ideas through acting techniques. Teachers play an important role in determining the direction of teaching and forming creative, innovative, critical thinking, ethical and disciplined values. This study also provides some suggestions to improve the development of teacher professional identity and Develop guides and reference materials for professional theater and drama programs in education and culture as approaches of the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).
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In-Text Citation: (Zakaria et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zakaria, M. A., Ahmad, M. F., & Rahman, M. K. A. (2021). Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs): Acting Method as Approach of Critical Pedagogy in Education Culture. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(2), 502–516.