Online teaching and learning have become the new norm in today’s educational world. Technology in education allows traditional teaching and learning methods to be improved and simplified. In this modern era, educators, specifically teachers and lecturers, take on the role of facilitators. Instead of being the main vessel of knowledge, they are responsible for assisting and support students’ learning process. The existence of various online applications has greatly helped teachers prepare, distribute, and evaluate students’ assignments. This study was conducted to identify the use of online applications in the teaching and learning process during the Movement Control Order, which has been implemented in Malaysia implemented to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak since March 18, 2020. The Movement Control Order has led to the closure of educational institutions, including schools and universities. Consequently, educators have been using online applications to deliver their teaching contents to continue the teaching and learning process and finish the syllabus. This study was conducted to determine digital learning status at Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Form Six College, Sabak Bernam, during the Movement Control Order period. The study questionnaire consists of 12 items pertaining to the use of online applications for teaching and learning using during the Movement Control Order. The findings show that all 83 teachers in Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Form Six College have been teaching online using various applications such as Whatsapp (89.20%), Telegram (71.10%), and Google Classroom (48.20%). The use of chat group in online applications makes it easier for teachers to communicate with the students and allows teachers to monitor students’ readiness to study and their progress. This limitless technology enables the teaching and learning process to occur at any time without having to be in a classroom. It also helps improve communication skills between teachers and students.
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In-Text Citation: (Osman, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Osman, N. H. C. H. K. (2021). Teaching and Learning by Using Online Application during Movement Control Order. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(2), 605-614.
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