ISSN: 2226-6348
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This study aims to measure the effectiveness of the STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) model of cooperative learning method based on the Art Education Application Module on the achievement and attitude of year four students in Tamil national type schools (SJKT). The research design employed a quasi-experiment method by dividing the research participants into two groups. The experimental group was taught using the STAD learning method based on the year four Art Education Application Module. Whereas the control group was taught using a conventional method based on textbooks. This study involved 62 Year Four students from two Tamil primary schools in the district of Kulim, Kedah. The study was conducted for eight weeks. The instruments used in this study are lesson plans based on STAD model learning methods, pre-tests, post-tests and attitude questionnaires. The results of this study were analyzed using independent t-test and two-way ANOVA. The findings of the study show that the experimental group taught using STAD learning method significantly increased the mean achievement score compared to the control group taught using conventional textbook-based methods. In addition, the experimental group attitude towards the art education subject showed a higher mean score compared to the control group. Finally, this study indicates major implications for year four SJKT students’ improvement of achievement and attitude in the art education subject.
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In-Text Citation: (Kandasamy et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Kandasamy, O. K., Mydin, A.-A., Kanesan, A. G., & Ismail, S. A. M. M. (2021). The Effectiveness of STAD Model Based on the Art Education Application Module on Students’ Achievement and Attitudes. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 150–160.
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