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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Understanding, Education, and Democratisation of Human Rights in Malaysia

Naresh Kumar Samy, Ahmad Faisal Mahdi, Nur Hazelen Mat Rusok

Open access

Continuous study and reporting are critical to keeping open the possibility of realising old paradoxes, learning new methods, and leading policy adjustments that protect the human movement. This study provides baseline data to detect essential needs and gaps and compare subsequent surveys to evaluate the progress of various activities and interventions on human rights. The respondents revealed a low level of human rights knowledge. However, the majority do not perceive a conflict between human rights, religion and national culture. Researchers believe that a solid understanding of human rights is essential for any community that wishes to reverence and advocate for them, whether locally or globally. The government and other institutions concerned with human rights problems are ultimately responsible for ensuring that this occurs. Promote human rights as part of a lifelong learning process that begins at home and continues in school and extends beyond the classroom into higher education, the workplace, communities, and global society. The paper contributes to growing consciousness and understanding of the nature of everyone's duties in human rights. It helps as a foundation for studies in human rights techniques in future education.

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In-Text Citation: (Samy et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Samy, N. K., Mahdi, A. F., & Rusok, N. H. M. (2021). Understanding, Education, and Democratisation of Human Rights in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 295–306.