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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Relationship between Students' Needs and Teaching Method of Teaching Arabic for Economic and Trade Negotiation at Yinchuan University of Energy

Kou Jie Ying, Suo Yan Mei, Saipolbarin bin Ramli, Suo Yan Ju

Open access

The economic globalization and the implementation of the "One Belt and One Road” initiative directly reflected the urgent needs of Arabic language talents. As a result, many universities and colleges opened Arabic for economic and trade negotiations (AETN). This course aims to cultivate such interdisciplinary talents in the Arabic language. However, this research explored the relationship between students’ needs and teaching methods which affected the teaching quality of the AETN. The study adopted a quantitative method and the data collected were analyzed through correlation by using the SPSS software. The research finding revealed that there were significant positive correlations between students’ needs and teaching methods in the teaching of AETN (r = .596, p < .01). The research will be a benefit for teachers and lecturers to adapt the teaching methods to improve the teaching quality of the AETN, and to promote the development of AETN teaching in Ningxia university of energy and train high-level and high-quality Arabic professionals in Ningxia, China, As well as, this research could provide a valuable reference for AETN teaching for researches and universities to promote its further development.