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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Study on Doctor-Patient Relationship in Nangarhar: The Role of Trust

Aimal Amiri, Imran Zafarzai

Open access

Aside from the way that trust among specialists and patients is a wellspring of maintainable relations, influencing the conduct of the two players, it additionally has its remedial worth. In this study, a sociological perspective of trust have been investigated in Nangarhar Province. Doctors’ way of understanding trust, nature of trust and complexity of trust was evaluated by direct response of patients. For accomplishment of research objective, data was collected from 200 individuals in Nangarhar Province, who recently availed health services for self or family. Content analysis is used for the research purpose. On the basis of collected responses in Nangarhar Province, it is clear that health care system number of significant changes occur in last 5 to 10 years. This paper means to develop a model of trust in the specialists’ quiet relationship, dependent on subjective exploration; investigation of the substance of internet message sheets. The investigation uncovered that trust towards specialists is an aftereffect of covering and interpenetration of two degrees of trust: macro-scale and meso-scale. Macro-scale trust can be viewed as a setting in which all the components of institutional trust are inserted. Though meso-trust (institutional) is portrayed as far as three measurements: altruism, fitness and respectability. Results also indicated that trust in a doctor-patient relationship is a social, complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon. Actions taken within just one of the dimensions will not yield expected outcome. On the other hand, however, any attempts at improving the situation will trigger a synergy effect to infuse the relation between doctor and patient with multitier trust, thus making it more effective, and in the long term, more efficient.

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In-Text Citation: (Amiri & Zafarzai, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Amiri, A., & Zafarzai, I. (2021). A Study on Doctor-Patient Relationship in Nangarhar: The Role of Trust. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 1–10.