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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Fun Learning Through the Integration of Music and Arabic Language Lessons: A Review of Literatures

Zaharul Lailiddin Saidon, Mohd Fahrur Rozi Bin Ismail, Mohd Nizam Nasrifan

Open access

The challenge of 21st century education demands teachers to be creative in diversifying their teaching approaches in order to engage with the students and consequently achieve better learning outcomes in their respective classrooms. One of the teaching approaches that needs to be highlighted is fun learning through the integration of music lessons with the teaching of other subjects in school. This paper is focused on the analysis of related literatures related to the application of fun learning through the integration of music lessons with other subjects in the classroom. Critical analysis was conducted on past studies, particularly journal articles retrieved from several databases especially the Google Scholar. The result of the analysis showed the positive effects of using music and singing in the teaching and learning in the classroom especially in improving students understanding and mastery of the subject content as well as in improving students long-term memory. Meanwhile the survey on the aspect of gap showed that there were only a few studies conducted on the fun learning approach especially related to the application of music and singing in the Arabic language lessons. It was concluded that there is a strong justification for the need to conduct a study that focuses on the development of a module on fun learning through the integration of Music and Arabic language lessons for the Malaysian primary schools.