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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Higher Education to Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime Through Open and Distance Learning in India

Gagan Singh, Deepak Paliwal

Open access

Open and Distance Learning system has tremendous potential of inclusive growth of education because of its distinctive nature of being a user friendly system. ODL system is not only cost effective but it can also contribute in the sustainable development through learning processes that transcend distance, gender, regional, cultural and socio-economic barriers. The distance education also has the potential to reach the un-reached and even marginalized and excluded groups such as tribal populations and women.

This paper attempts to study the importance of Distance Education in imparting education to the distance learners and its significance in making them independent in the present competitive world. This study also attempts to outline the opportunities which open and distance learning can provide to learners in India. This study aims at examining the role of Open & Distance Learning in providing flexible, accessible, qualitative and cost-effective education to women so that they can contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous society. Overall suggestions will be given on how the Open & Distance Learning can devise effective educational strategies for women that can bring about social change in the state.

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In-Text Citation: (Singh & Paliwal, 2012)
To Cite this Article: Singh, G., & Paliwal, D. (2012). Higher Education to Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime Through Open and Distance Learning in India. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 1(1), 104–112.