ISSN: 2226-6348
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The study was carried out to examine effect of Higher Education Commission’s sponsored in-service teacher training on the trainee’s concept about good teachers. It was hypothesized that there will be a significant change in perception of the trainees, regarding qualities of a good teacher as a result of in-service teacher training. The sample consisted of 46 female Lecturers and Assistant Professors from University of Peshawar and Frontier Woman University Peshawar. Pre and post test design was used. An open ended questionnaire regarding qualities of a good teacher was administered before and after completion of the said training. Results indicated a significant change in perception of the trainees between pre and post in–service training program. These results can serve as a reference for reform of the teachers, teaching at the post graduate and university level.
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In-Text Citation: (Jahangir et al., 2012)
To Cite this Article: Jahangir, S. F., Saheen, N., & Kazmi, S. F. (2012). In Service Training: A Contributory Factor Influencing Teachers’ Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 1(1), 148–155.
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