Nowadays, the use of mobile technology has created a new form of learning called mobile learning (M-Learning), where learning is supported by mobile devices, ubiquitous communications and intelligent user interfaces. There has been significant growth in learning by mobiles scientific studies in the past years. The present paper shows how short message (SMS), which is a popular mobile application among many people, can help EFL/ESL students learning English vocabulary. Firstly; we want to investigate the capabilities of this novel learning method, and students’ attitudes towards it. Secondly, we guide language learners to integrate mobile technology into their study plan and finally to be flexible in their learning activities. The findings of the various research projects show that SMS-based vocabulary learning can increase EFL/ESL language learners’ flexibility and may be highly motivating for them. The results also suggest that M-Learning improve the process of language learning to a large extend due to its novelty. Learner-centered method like this play an important role in the success of the integration of mobile technology into learning activities. In future, language teachers as well, as learners witness more pedagogical implications of using mobile phones in the process of learning.
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In-Text Citation: (Hashemi & Azizinezhad, 2012)
To Cite this Article: Hashemi, M., & Azizinezhad, M. (2012). The Pedagogical Applications of Using Short Message System (SMS) in Language Learning Classes. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 1(1), 295–299.
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