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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

L1 and Second Language Learning: A Non-Stop Debate

Hosni Mostafa El-dali

Open access

Many institutions in the Arab world have prohibited the use of L1 in the classroom which is commonly perceived to be an impediment to L2 learning. This pedagogical decision, however, is not fully supported by recent research findings, which suggest that L1 reduces learner anxiety, plays a scaffolding role in collaborative tasks, and can be a source of cognitive support for L2 learners.
The present study, first, traces the conceptual history of the notion “language transfer” from its early beginning to its current position within Universal Grammar. Second, it problematises the exclusion of L1 from the classroom and supports the notion of incorporating students’ input into pedagogical decision making processes. Third, it shows, as an example, how L1 culture affects the written production of L2 learners.

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In-Text Citation: (El-dali, 2012)
To Cite this Article: El-dali, H. M. (2012). L1 and Second Language Learning: A Non-Stop Debate. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 1(2), 19–43.