ISSN: 2226-6348
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Previous studies have claimed that elements of social realism are less emphasized in Malaysian films. Yasmin Ahmad's films such as Talentime (2009) are amongst those that have tried to incorporate elements of social realism in their narrative. However, there are not enough previous film studies that have confirmed this. Therefore, this study has explored social realism elements (Narodnost, Ideinost, Partiinost, and Tipichnost) contained in this film and aims to solve the question of how these social realism elements have been conveyed. Also, this study highlighted the importance of the existence of social realism in cinema and its role in providing awareness of racial disparities that cause racial segregation to the audience. This study was conducted using a qualitative method using a content analysis approach. The findings indicated that there were depictions of several social realism elements in Talentime (2009), namely 4 elements of Narodnost, 10 elements of Ideinost, 8 elements of Partiinost, and 9 elements of Tipichnost. It can be concluded that Talentime (2009) consists of social realism elements (Narodnost, Ideinost, Partiinost, and Tipichnost). The findings have rebutted the claims that elements of social realism are less emphasized in Malaysian films.
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In-Text Citation: (Shuki & Bakar, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Shuki, M. S. M., & Bakar, M. S. A. (2021). The Depiction of Social Realism in Yasmin Ahmad’s Film: Talentime (2009). International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 382–395.
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