ISSN: 2226-6348
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The study investigated the influence of resource availability on the choice of teaching methodologies by pre-school teachers in Baringo District. Instructional resources are useful to facilitate learning as young children are fascinated by the objects in child-centered approaches as recommended by K.I.E and other institutions. However, there is a tendency by teachers to make frequent use of other teaching strategies which may not necessarily be particularly effective but may be occasioned by other factors. Specific objectives were to determine pre-school teachers’ characteristics, influence of teachers’ professional training on methods, influence of class factors on choice of teaching methods and influence of play activities on choice of teaching methods. The study was based on Piaget’s theory of learning which asserts that children mental constructs are developed through their experiences in the environment and that experiences are necessary for intellectual development. The data analysis revealed that availability and adequacy of space and number of ECDE children had a great influence on the teaching methods teachers adopted. Inadequate finance, poor storage facilities and lack of commitment were sighted as reason for failure of the use of child centered methods of teaching. In addition most rural pre-school centers were managed by primary school teachers who showed less concern. Recommendations were made with respect to primary school teachers for the supervision of learning activities in the preschool. The government should urgently initiate systems to employ trained ECDE teachers who will be deployed to public centers to ensure quality and relevant education is provided to the young generation. Further in-service training courses to be reintroduces to refine and update teacher’s skills.
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In-Text Citation: (Rotumoi & Too, 2012)
To Cite this Article: Rotumoi, J., & Too, J. K. (2012). Factors Influencing the Choice of Approaches Used by Pre-School Teachers in Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 1(2), 139–150.
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