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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Interpreting Quran by Quran in Exegetical Manuscripts of of Tihamah Scholars, Yemen

Ebrahim Mohammed Abdo AL-ahdal, Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Abdelgelil, Taher Mohammed Abdo AL-ahdal, Mukhamad Hadi Musolin Subagio, Ahmad Fauzi Hassan

Open access

Scholars, in the past and now, have been interested in Mathur exegesis (Tafsir) (interpreting Quran by Quran, by Sunnah or by sayings of the Companions and Tabi'in). One of the most important methods of Mathur exegesis is the exegesis of Quran by Quran. That is where the problem of researching the exegesis of Quran by Quran emerges in the exegetical manuscripts in Tihamah, Yemen, which aims to trace the exegetical manuscripts in Tihamah, Yemen, to find out their method for Mathur exegesis in terms of interpreting Quran by Quran because this is the safest way to understand the Book of Allah Almighty without deviance and distortion. It also aims to build a new list of the scholars of Tihamah, Yemen, to add them to the exegesis scholars in the Islamic world countries, so that students and researchers in the exegetical library can benefit from them. The inductive and descriptive approaches were used by tracing the exegetical manuscripts of the scholars of Tihamah, Yemen, and presenting the methods of Mufasirrin (exegetes) in Tihamah, Yemen, in Mathur exegesis in the practical and objective perspective from their exegesis of Quran by Quran to see the extent of their attention of that by presenting examples from the reality of their exegeses. One of the findings of the research is that interpreting Quran by Quran carries several directions, such as applying the Muqayyad (restricted) on the Mutlaq (unrestricted/absolute) and the Mufassal (explained) on the Mujmal (general/ambiguous), etc., to avoid confusion and etc. It turns out that whoever wants to delve into exegesis should first look at interpreting Quran by Quran, then by Sunnah, then by the sayings of the Companions and Tabi'in. The scholars of Tihamah have a special interest in interpreting Quran by Quran, which deserves attention to direct the attention of researchers to its achievement, printing and publication.

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In-Text Citation: (AL-ahdal et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: AL-ahdal, E. M. A., Abdelgelil, M. F. M., AL-ahdal, T. M. A., Subagio, M. H. M., & Hassan, A. F. (2021). Interpreting Quran by Quran in Exegetical Manuscripts of of Tihamah Scholars, Yemen. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 775-782.