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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Online Learning in Higher Institution based on The Islamic Concept of Knowledge

Nurul Badriyah Ali, Mohamad Zaki Razaly, Mahasin Saja @ Mearaj, Nazrudin Hashim

Open access

Previously, the use of the internet as the medium for teaching and facilitating has been adopted informally by education institutions, from primary to university level. But it has been greatly and formally used for the purpose of teaching due to the spread of the deadly covid-19 virus that hit the world starting from the year 2019 until present. When shifting from the traditional face-to-face way of learning to online teaching and learning, among the issues and limitations are effectiveness of delivery, literacy in technological advancement, self-regulated learning, and academic performance. In islamic concept, there is specific learning method to preserve the quality of knowledge, even using online learning system. Thus, this study aim to investigate true understanding about islamic concept of knowledge, to manage challenges and obstacles when conducting online learning, to ensure the quality knowledge transfer, and to foster discipline and manner among students. This study used methodology of analysis descriptive regarding the issue throughout: journals, newspaper, books, quranic and hadis text. The results of this study highlight that knowledge in islam must be conveyed responsibly by teachers and students through the implementation in talaqqi concept, as well as highlighting the significance of asking in seeking knowledge in assuring the validity of knowldege. Additionally, knowledge in islam should always nurture and foster the engagement between students and teachers by having good communication and motivation between them. Finally, the implementation of islamic concept of knowledge is important to manage challenges and obstacles when conducting online learning. It is proposed to study about the implementation of this islamic concept via online, its challenges and the solution from both perspective, students, and educators.

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In-Text Citation: (Ali et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ali, N. B., Razaly, M. Z., Mearaj, M. S. @, & Hashim, N. (2022). Online Learning in Higher Institution based on The Islamic Concept of Knowledge. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 14-25.