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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Online Learning at Tertiary Institution During Pandemic of Covid-19: A Conceptual Review of Students’ Motivational Issues and Educators’ Challenges

Norlida Zakirai@Zakaria, Erratul Shela Eshak, Munirah Mohd Jidi, Nur Faithzah Jamian

Open access

This article review works to specifically define the motivational determinants for students engaged in online learning as well as the difficulties of educators as a primary source for disseminating learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ironically, the pandemic has contributed to some improvement in the global education system where online learning is increasingly growing in terms of use. Despite the online learning adoption trend, there is a problem with learners determined to participate in online learning When addressing students' desire to engage in online learning, the motivation elements of the student itself should be calculated. Students' acceptance of technology, self-efficacy, and self-determination are among the elements that should be examined. In addition, educators must consider the complexities of integrating online teaching and learning. While most educators are not completely prepared for the rapid transition, they need to face challenges. In view of the challenges, the development of conducive online communication, the adequacy of online teaching technology skills, the positive attitude towards technology, the need for training, self-motivation boost and the support of student participation in online learning are appropriate. To build a resilient education system, a lot would have to be tackled in the future and additional study should be done.

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In-Text Citation: (Zakirai@Zakaria et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zakirai@Zakaria, N., Eshak, E. S., Jidi, M. M., & Jamian, N. F. (2021). Online Learning at Tertiary Institution During Pandemic of Covid-19: A Conceptual Review of Students’ Motivational Issues and Educators’ Challenges. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 1218–1228.