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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Elements of Modern Learning Skills Framework for Students in TVET System in Malaysia: Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach (CFA)

Aishah Sulaiman, Irdayanti Mat Nashir

Open access

21st century education is now facing many challenges. Among the challenges of 21st century education are to provide learning that focuses on thinking skills at a high level, and the challenges of labour after finishing school. Therefore, this study was carried out to develop the framework of modern learning skills in the technical and vocational education system in Malaysia. Respondents comprised 367 students in technical and vocational institutions in Malaysia. Random sampling is easy to use. Questionnaire instruments using Likert scales 1 to 3 are used to obtain feedback from respondents. Overall, the reliability of the acceptable questionnaire with the Alpha Cronbach value of 22 domains is greater than .70 which is .80 and meets the normality test requirements. Furthermore, the data obtained is processed through the confirmatory factors analysis to develop a modern learning skills framework. The study found that there were 12 domains that were maintained to develop the framework. The results of the study showed the equivalent index value was equivalent to p=0.000, the relative value of chi-square coincided with 3,827, for the GFI value was .914, while for the value of CFI was .941. Share the values of TLI .928 and RMSEA is .088. Therefore, the modern learning skills framework can be developed with 12 domains.

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In-Text Citation: (Sulaiman & Nashir, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Sulaiman, A., & Nashir, I. M. (2022). Elements of Modern Learning Skills Framework for Students in TVET System in Malaysia: Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach (CFA). International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 49–59.