ISSN: 2226-6348
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The discussion of objectivity in the context of Islamic research methodology has been partial up until the present time. Objectivity is recognizably a requirement in research, however, the core of objectivity in the context of the common research methodology is not suitable for Islamic research according to Islamic philosophy and epistemology. The question is to what extent the concept of objectivity used in common research is in line with Islamic research methodology. How is objectivity in Islamic research methodology based on Islamic mysticism and epistemology? What are the domains? This paper will discuss the domains for objectivity in Islamic research methodology according to the Quran. Studies on objectivity in Islamic research methodology are using contextual analysis. The analysis finds that there are three elements of truth mentioned in the Quran. The element of truth is then made the domain for the objectivity of Islamic research methodology, namely the domain of truth through the heart, truth through words, and truth through deeds.
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In-Text Citation: (Nawi & Hassan, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Nawi, N. I. M., & Hassan, S. A. (2021). Domain of Objectivity in Islamic Research Methodology according to the Quran. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 1137–1145.
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