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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Validity and Reliability of the Health Education Assessment Module’s Needs Analysis Instrument among Kedah Primary School Teachers

Kumaran Gengatharan, Azali Bin Rahmat, Zulezwan Bin Ab. Malik, Fanny Kho Chee Yuet

Open access

The study was conducted to obtain the validity and reliability of the health education assessment module needs analysis instrument among Kedah primary school teachers. This study aims to determine the need to develop a health education assessment module among primary school teachers who teach Health Education. The study uses design and development methods but has three phases. The technique is said to be multiple methods that can use any suitable form for specific phases. For the needs analysis phase, the researchers have used quantitative methods that have used questionnaires for data collection. The questionnaires were certified by one expert from the Malay Language working in a teacher education institute and three experts in the relevant fields of Health Education. A total of 40 primary school teachers who teach standard one students from Kedah state were selected to test the instrument's reliability before giving the accurate sample of the need analysis phase. Experts who validate the language have given good comments. There were only a few grammatical errors while the experts who validated the questionnaire's content agreed with all the questions contained in the instrument, which is suitable to the needs analysis phase that determines the need to develop a health education assessment module for the implementation of classroom-based Assessment. The instrument obtained language and content validation has been distributed to 40 Health Education teachers who teach lower primary students as a pilot study. The pilot study was analyzed using SPSS version 20. The pilot study findings show that the instrument has a good reliability value which is .849. In conclusion, the researcher hopes that this instrument will help other researchers in their need analysis phase related to the development of any Health Education related module.