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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Parental Style and Academic Achievement in Mts Ittihadul Muslimin Siak Students

Najmi Hayati, M. Ali Noer

Open access

Pangkalan Pisang Village is located in the Koto Gasib District of the Siak Regency in the Indonesian province of Riau and the study was carried out there. The aim of this research was to determine whether or not there was a relationship between parenting styles and student learning accomplishments in second grade (class 2). Students at MTs Ittihadul Muslimin will be asked to respond to a questionnaire, and the results will be compiled. When this performance is reduced, it indicates the necessity of developing classroom instructional techniques that include academic components, social relationships and conduct as well as other factors. Immediate summaries of student accomplishments, as well as measures to enhance student participation, motivation, and success, should be provided. Thus, personality differences and students' skills are less significant than they were previously believed. In the absence of consideration for the connection between student cognitive types, parents develop their own parenting styles, with the consequence that parenting styles and learning are the outcome of the style of parents and students'. Researchers Omar et al (2012) found that parental influence is the most important factor in a child's development as a human being. Diana Baumrind is credited with developing the parenting style model (Omar et al., 2012). As he explained it, there are three types of parenting techniques that may be used to shape children's early development. Parents who practice autority, authoritarian parenting, and permissive parenting are examples of parenting styles that are related to the authorization style. Measurements of the average and standard deviation are used to characterize the respondent profile and to answer research questions using descriptive statistical analysis. According to this research, the most prevalent parenting style is autiithative. Thus, the appropriate parenting style is the most apparent in the parenting styles of all tribes, including Malay, Minang, Java and Batak families. Because it does not fully understand the parenting style of each individual, his understanding is that the parenting style of Diana Baumrind is also not used optimally by parents. He believes that parents must understand their own parenting style in order to harmonize with the requirements of how to educate their children. It was discovered in this research that even if the interpretation is straightforward, the authoritarian and permissive styles have a beneficial impact on students' academic performance when used in conjunction with one another. Nevertheless, the autorithative style is the most often employed since it is seen as more intimate and harmonious by youngsters, and therefore is frequently used.

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In-Text Citation: (Hayati & Noer, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hayati, N., & Noer, M. A. (2021). Parental Style and Academic Achievement in Mts Ittihadul Muslimin Siak Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(4), 29–45.