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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Understanding the Importance of Thinking Styles in Arabic Language Learning

Najmi Hayati, M. Ali Noer

Open access

Students of the Ittihadul Muslim Islamic Boarding School in Pangkalan Pisang Village, Koto Gasib District, Siak Regency, Riau Province were asked to participate in this study to determine the association between their thinking style and their Arabic learning achievement. A total of 146 Madrasyah Aliyah 2nd grade students will be selected to participate in the survey. This study (1997) employed the Inventory Thinking Style Sternberg-Wagner research tool. Descriptive statistical analysis is used to determine the mean and standard deviations of a group of respondents in order to explain their profile and answer the research questions. His profile reveals that mean women score better on the thinking style scale than legislators, judges, anarchists, internal, liberal, and conservative candidates. It is more common for men to have Executive Thinking Styles such as Monarchy, Hirachy, Oligarchy, Local and External. This research also reveals the dominant thinking styles used by students in the Arabic learning class, including executive, judicial, monarchy, hirachy, oligarchy, anarchy, external, and conservative, as well as the dominating thinking styles used by students in the Arabic learning class. In every dominating Thinking Style, mean female students outperform mean male students by a significant margin. Legislative (Mean: 3.55 and SD: 0.649), Judicial (Mean: 3.80 and SD: 0.634), Anarchy (Mean: 3.71 and SD: 0.746), Internal (Mean: 3.58 and SD: 0.658), Liberal (Mean: 3.78 and SD: 0.624), and Conservative (Mean: 3.57 & SD: 0.606). Because students and teachers have not fully grasped the sternberg thinking style, the comprehension that can be achieved in the classroom is still suboptimal when applying it.

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In-Text Citation: (Hayati & Noer, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hayati, N., & Noer, M. A. (2021). Understanding the Importance of Thinking Styles in Arabic Language Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(4), 46–59.