ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Interactive online educational games function as an important learning tool in helping young learners to improve their English language vocabulary mastery especially when remote learning is significant during the Covid-19 pandemic. Problems arise when pupils are seen to be struggling with developing new vocabulary. Therefore, in order to improve pupils’ vocabulary mastery, this study aims to design, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of using C&K in an English as Second Language (ESL) classroom. The objective of this research is to see to what extent C & K helps in enhancing vocabulary development. A quantitative study was conducted. It involved 30 primary 3 students, all of which had varying degrees of academic ability. Before the innovation, a pre test was conducted and a post-test was conducted after the innovation. Then, a survey form was used to get feedback from pupils about C&K. To effectively employ Wordwall as a suitable base for carrying out the desired games, a well organized module is constructed. This idea advocated that well-organized online games be incorporated in ESL lessons since games are a kind of motivation that may capture and hold pupils' attention and knowledge, helping them to become more involved in learning. The pre- and post-test analysis indicate that C&K had successfully improved vocabulary knowledge among year 3 pupils. According to the survey, C&K is reliable and pupil-friendly material for year 3 pupils. As a result, the innovation's significance is that it provides a system of customized games for the teaching and learning of English vocabulary, that is advantageous for learners and teachers.
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In-Text Citation: (Magasvaran et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Magasvaran, V., Ukat, J., & Yunus, M. M. (2022). Boosting Vocabulary Mastery in Primary School Pupils by Revolutionizing Wordwall through C&K. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 72–83.
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