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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Dive-In: Interactive Learning Tool ‘Arthurian Legends: The Knights’ Quest’ Efficacy in Learning Literature Components among Form 1 Students

Puteri Nurul Ain binti Md Salleh, Javarica Dee Linna Jack, Melor Md Yunus

Open access

The literature component is one of the elements in the Malaysian English language syllabus or Form One to Form Five students in secondary schools. Literary work such as poems, drama, short stories and novels are the main opuses of the curriculum. Therefore, there is a significance in teaching literature to the students regardless of its status in examination at school and national levels. Teaching and learning literature has been one of the arduous components for both teachers and students due to a few hindrances especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Teachers are lacking exposure to student-centered literature teaching while the students perceive literature as dull. The ability to comprehend the text also influences students’ learning. Moreover, less proficient students are prone to cease making an effort during literature learning due to its foreign content. Hence, the aim of this paper is to improve pupils’ mastery in a literature novel ‘King Arthur’ using the learning tool ‘Arthurian Legends: The Knight’s Quest’ and acquire their perceptions towards the tool. This interactive multimedia learning tool, Arthurian Legends: The Knight’s Quest incorporates digitalisation of the novel, ‘King Arthur’ with an inclusive set of exercises. It is designed as an interactive version of the novel with entrancing narration. Furthermore, it also focuses on other language skills such as reading and vocabulary learning. Lastly, this tool may increase students’ interests by providing a fun learning environment for the students. This paper provides further explanation whether the tool created the opportunity for the pupils to master the novel ‘King Arthur’ and elevated their interest in learning the piece successfully.

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In-Text Citation: (Salleh et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Salleh, P. N. A. binti M., Jack, J. D. L., & Yunus, M. M. (2023). Dive-In: Interactive Learning Tool ‘Arthurian Legends: The Knights’ Quest’ Efficacy in Learning Literature Components among Form 1 Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(2), 991–997.