ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Due to a number of circumstances, learning English as a second language can be difficult. One of the reasons is because grammatical components known as tenses do not exist in one's mother tongue, making it difficult to learn. In order to compose sentences in English utilising tenses, people must play with words and times. Previous research has found that Malaysian students struggle with the usage of tenses, despite the fact that they have been learning them for a long time and that they are widely spoken by Malaysians, whether it is due to the learning process, the effect of mother tongue, or the learning materials. The goal of developing a self-learning interactive module using Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation is to assist students in improving their learning efficacy by applying the ADDIE model approach which was the methodology used in the study.The participants are 10 year five primary school students from a Malaysian public school. This study will provide new perspectives in addressing the tenses issues of year 5 students through the module and schools may prepare other modules or programmes to help students’ learning process. The final outcome based on the regression study revealed that all of the participants enjoy learning English tenses in this manner, and that it has increased their knowledge and self-esteem when it comes to applying English tenses. Participants also expressed a desire to be taught via this type of module in the future for other topics which proved that their learning efficacy is boosted. Regardless, future research could continue to explore the learning efficacy in a larger sample size.
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In-Text Citation: (Jais et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Jais, N. F. M., Ishak, S. A., & Yunus, M. M. (2022). Developing the Self-Learning Interactive Module using ADDIE Model for Year 5 Primary School Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 615–630.
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