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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Role of Principals in Dealing with Challenges Affecting Girl-Child Education in Mixed Day Secondary Schools in Rongo and Ndhiwa Districts, Kenya

Odhiambo Rodah Adoyo, Yambo, John M. Onyango

Open access

This study dealt with the Role of Principals in Promotion of Girl-Child Education in Mixed Day Secondary Schools in Rongo and Ndhiwa Districts, Kenya. Objective of the article was to determine strategies principals put in place to deal with challenges that affect girl child participation in education in Rongo and Ndhiwa Districts. The research question was; what strategies do principals use to cope with challenges they face in promoting girl child participation in Education in Rongo and Ndhiwa Districts? The study employed descriptive survey design. The study population was 39 principals, 39 teachers, 2 District Quality Assurance and Standard Officers (DQASO), 39 Board of Governors (BOG) chair persons and 2010 students. Saturated sampling technique was used to select 35 principals 35, teachers and 1 DQASO. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample 325 students. Questionnaires and interview schedule were used for data collection. Three of the schools were used in pilot study to act as pre-test to the instruments of data collection to ensure their reliability. Face validity of the instruments was determined by three experts in the department of Educational Management and Foundation at Maseno University and the impressions on the instruments improved based on the supervisors’ advice before using them for data collection. Quantitative data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics in form of frequency counts, percentages, means and one way ANOVA. Qualitative data obtained from interviews schedule were analyzed in an ongoing process as themes and sub themes emerged from the data. The findings of the study revealed that in order to cope with long distance that girls walked from home to schools, principals created temporary boarding facilities and advised such girls to arrange for means to take them to school so that they don’t be late for school. The study will be used to assist the government to come up with better ways of promoting girl child education, identify prospects, challenges and strategies for promoting girls education. This study recommends that parents, teachers, the government and other stake holders should join forces and be responsible for girls’ effective participation in education.