ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The shift to large-scale use of renewable energy (RE) in order to achieve sustainable development has indirectly caused the solar energy industry continue to grow and require a great deal of skilled labour causes a necessity for teachers and youngsters to be well equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to meet the demand of this solar energy industry. Thus, this study aims to identify the level of knowledge of teachers and students about solar energy and PV-solar technology as well as their awareness and desire to explore the use of solar energy and PV-Solar technology. This research uses survey research method involving 100 teachers and 600 students in Petaling (urban) and Hulu Terengganu (rural) districts in Malaysia. The findings shows that the level of teachers' and students’ knowledge on solar energy and PV-Solar technology are weak. Low awareness on energy sustainability and solar energy, and moderate desire to explore the use of solar energy and PV-Solar technology. Therefore, further research on the methods to increase teachers’ and students’ knowledge on solar energy and PV-Solar technology need to be done in order to meet the great deal of skilled labour in this Solar Energy and PV-Solar technology industry in future.
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In-Text Citation: (Nawawi & Yasin, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Nawawi, S. R. B. M., & Yasin, R. B. M. (2022). Malaysian Student’s and Teacher’s Knowledge on Solar Energy and PV-Solar Technology. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 953–978.
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