ISSN: 2226-6348
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The issue of sexuality in correctional facilities has been the subject of considerable academic attention, yet research on this phenomenon has been particularly limited. This paper uncovers the prevalence of sexual behaviour among young people in the correctional facilities. Data were extracted from a survey study conducted among 289 male and female young people, aged 12 to 21 years old, in six approved schools in Malaysia. In addition, 18 interviews were carried out with 11 young people and seven correctional staff, comprising both male and female participants. The findings reveal that 34 per cent of young people reported at least one behaviour indicative of same-sex sexual in a month, 15 per cent reported at least one behaviour indicative of bullying others sexually in a month, and 20 per cent reported at least one incident of being victimised sexually in a month. In the interviews, young people confirmed three levels of sexual behaviour in the approved schools, including companionship, consensual same-sex activity and sexual coercion. Young people also identified three circumstances underpinning such behaviours, including monotonous routine, loneliness, and normalizing sexual activities. These findings suggest that sexuality education is useful to empower young people to realize their health, well-being and dignity, and thus control their unhealthy sexual activities in the approved schools.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan & Rosly, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, N., & Rosly, M. A. A. (2022). Sexual Behaviour among Young People in Approved Schools: Developing a Framework for Sexuality Education. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 506–519.
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