ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) aims to provide students with the knowledge, skills and competencies required in an increasingly internationalised labour market and multicultural society. Initial education and training will need to react more effectively and promptly to change job requirements and societal trends. Training methods for technical and vocational education are needed to avoid occupational accidents and work-related diseases before they are exposed to the real life working situations. We conducted a systematic review of seventeen randomized paper of effectiveness of training methods in TVET. The aim of this paper is to examine the importance of training methods of technical and vocational students and demonstrates how training methods has brought benefits to students’ performance. Overall, this systematic review revealed the most common training methods used: on the job training, project method, simulation, brainstorming and competency based training. These methods have been identified to be effective in teaching practical oriented subject like vocational and technical subjects. A selection of appropriate training methods will give ideas to educators, teachers, trainers, and instructors to change their teaching behaviour in order to educate younger generation to be prepared for the world of work. Moreover, the modern job market demands even more, good attitudes and continuous proactive lifelong learning are now keys to success.
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In-Text Citation: (Alias et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Alias, S. Z. M., Alavi, K., & Selamat, M. N. (2022). Effectiveness of Training Methods on Technical Education and Vocational Students: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 545–558.
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