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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Prospective Study of Acute Stroke Type, Risk Factors, Age and Sex Distribution in Eastern Region of Afghanistan

Samiullah Sajjad, Ajmal Ghayour, Abdullah Jan Shenwari

Open access

Objective: This hospital-based prospective study was conducted to determine stroke type, risk factors, Age and Sex distribution in patients admitted with acute stroke in Nangarhar University Teaching Hospital located in East region of Afghanistan.
Methods: A retrospective study design was carried out to determine the types, risk factors, age and sex distribution of stroke during 2018/Nov–2020/Nov. The study sample included 401 stroke patients of the Nangarhar University Teaching Hospital. Consecutive stroke patients presenting within 48 hours of onset were included in the study. Data were obtained from history taking, physical examination, and investigations. Brain CT scan was performed for all patients so the diagnosis of stroke types was determined by Brain CT scan which was then statistically analyzed through frequencies and percentages.
Results: 401 patients, 215 (53.6%) males and 186 (46.4%) females, were studied. The peak age group was 61 to 70 years. Stroke caused by infarction was found in 309(77.1%) while stroke caused by hemorrhage was found in 92(22.9%). Hypertension was the most common associated risk factor 159(39.6%), Ischemic Heart Disease was found in 63(15.7%), Diabetes Mellitus in 58(14.4%), previous transient ischemic attack 35(8.7%), blood disorder16(3.9%) ,obesity14(3.4%) multiple risk factors56 (13.9%). The overall mortality was higher than in western countries. Risk factors for stroke in eastern region of Afghanistan are the same as elsewhere; however, the peak age group is 2 decades earlier than in developed countries. In developing countries, promoting hypertension and acute stroke health care programs are essential to cutting morbidity and mortality rates.
Conclusion: stroke in eastern region of Afghanistan has similar risk factors as elsewhere, and its mortality is higher than in western and wealthier developed countries

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In-Text Citation: (Sajjad et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Sajjad, S., Ghayour, A., & Shenwari, A. J. (2022). A Prospective Study of Acute Stroke Type, Risk Factors, Age and Sex Distribution in Eastern Region of Afghanistan. International Journal of Acdemic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 631–637.