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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Understanding Online Learning Engagement and Challenges during COVID19: Qualitative Evidence

Hassan Abuhassna, Fareed Awae, Ahmed H. Alsharif, Noraffandy Yahya, Samer Alnawajha

Open access

Over the past years, many educational organizations have been progressively shifting their courses online instead of conventional classrooms before carrying out online learning, particularly during the (COVID-19) pandemic. Learners' acceptance and readiness toward online learning platforms should be considered. This investigation explores and understands online learning engagement, academic achievements, satisfaction, and challenges. This research conducted a qualitative approach to address the study questions. This approach allowed us to collect detailed data regarding learners’ experiences related to their online learning platforms and understand the present phenomenon from their standpoint. A focused group discussion (FGD) was implemented to collect the data for this research. This protocol comprises two key sections: firstly, the background information of the interviewees, secondly, the research questions of this study. Results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic highly affected undergraduates' mental health and the quality of their learning experience. Consequently, study findings have shown that learners’ most significant challenges mainly lack communications and physical interactions. Moreover, most learners were unfamiliar with the skills necessary for online learning. Finally, learners have thought that online learning is only a temporary choice since they were not entirely passionate about online learning as a teaching-learning technique.

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In-Text Citation: (Abuhassna et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Abuhassna, H., Awae, F., Alsharif, A. H., Yahaya, N., & Alnawajha, S. (2022). Understanding Online Learning Engagement and Challenges during COVID19: Qualitative Evidenc. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 651–661.