ISSN: 2226-6348
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This innovation product is invented to assist the understanding of level two primary school pupils (Year Six) in the storyline or chronology of stories contained in the syllabus such as in the Year 6 (SK) textbook, How the Tiger Got its Stripes. This is because the innovators found that their pupils were unable to comprehend the stories in form of text. They have also shown less interest in reading as they are audio-visual learners. This has caused these pupils to be unable to answer the questions based on the story correctly. Digital Comprehension has proved that it has successfully helped these pupils to comprehend story by listening, watching and reading at the same time. Plus, it correlates the most to the six components in the Bloom’s Taxonomy, which are Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analysing, Evaluating, and Creating. The objectives of producing this innovation product are to improve the pupils’ understanding onto storylines, to allow them to enjoy learning stories through reading and watching, and to have them to answer simple questions related to the story. As for novelty, Digital Comprehension is created using the ‘Courselab 2.0’ software and it can be published into an interactive application. So, it is a genuine idea in assisting their pupils. It has proven that Digital Comprehension had improved the pupils’ performance in form of worksheets that contains two components; arranging storyline and answering comprehension questions. This innovation benefitted the society the most as it is user-friendly, editable depending on the story the teachers want to teach, can be integrated offline, and suitable for all ages.
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In-Text Citation: (Noordan & Yunus, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Noordan, M. N. H. B., & Yunus, M. M. (2022). Using Digital Comprehension to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills among Young Learners. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development. 11(2), 727-748.
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