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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Gender and University Support towards Psychological Well-being: An Exploratory Study in Malaysia

Hui Xian Ooi, Aswati Hamzah, Lei Mee Thien

Open access

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between university support and psychological well-being among postgraduate students in Malaysian public universities. The second aim of this study was to investigate the gender as the moderators in the model. Convenience sampling method was used in this study. Data were gathered from a sample of 335 postgraduate students selected from 13 Malaysian public universities. An online survey was sent out to postgraduate students via postgraduate groups. PLS-SEM version 3.3.7 software package was used to analyse the data. Findings showed positive effect of university support on postgraduate students’ psychological well-being. However, this study revealed no significant differences between male and female groups with university support on postgraduate students’ psychological well-being. Moreover, the findings of this study will be useful in the creation of policies and programmes aimed at improving the well-being of postgraduate students in the future. The findings of this study will be valuable in the development of policies and programmes targeted at enhancing the well-being of postgraduate students, in the future.

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In-Text Citation: (Ooi et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ooi, H. X., Hamzah, A., Thien, L. M. (2022). Gender and University Support towards Psychological Well-being: An Exploratory Study in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development. 11(2), 879 – 894.