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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Evaluating the TVET Financial Allocation Based on The Polytechnics and Community Colleges Students’ Enrolment: A Preliminary Analysis

Mohammad Al Bukhari Marzuki, Rohaila Yusof, Rosnah Ishak, Khalip Musa

Open access

TVET education sector have provided towards the socio-economic development for both developed and developing countries. Many developed countries have large percentage of skilled workforce and most of them are from the technical sectors. Malaysia has a structured TVET education system which the largest TVET provider in the country is under the purview of the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. The allocation of TVET education has steadily increased over the past five years and the introduction of Malaysia Education Blue Print – Higher Education has renewed the interest of TVET in Malaysia. However, the enrollment seen in decline as opposed to the increase of the allocation. There are several factors are discussed in this article, which most of them are likely related the governance and policy of the TVET education system. The TVET students’ enrolment under the Ministry of Higher Education are compared with the TVET allocation from 2015 – 2020. The outcome of the analysis is discussed further in the way forward to improve Malaysia’s TVET education system. This article is served as a preliminary analysis to provide valuable input to the policymakers to improve the overall perception of TVET education in Malaysia.

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In-Text Citation: (Marzuki et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Marzuki, M. A. B., Yusof, R., Yusof, R., & Musa, K. (2022). Evaluating the TVET Financial Allocation Based on The Polytechnics and Community Colleges Students’ Enrolment: A Preliminary Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development. 11(2), 1267 - 1284.