This study investigates the influence of number of schools, classes, pupils and teachers on net enrollment ratio (NER) with the education budget as a moderating variable in Aceh province. Using a quantitative analysis method, the data is collected for the period of 2010-2012. While, the population of this study are consists from 23 districts/cities in Aceh province with as many as 21 number of sample selected using purposive sampling method. The result of the study is simultaneously, the variables of number of schools, classes, pupils and teachers influence the net enrollment ratio (NER). While partially, only variables of number of pupils and teachers are having an influence to the net enrollment ratio (NER). Additionally, the education budget variable does not function as a moderating variable that connects the variables of number of schools, classes, pupils and teachers against net enrollment ratio (NER) in Aceh province.
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In-Text Citation: (Asnawi, 2014)
To Cite this Article: Asnawi. (2014). The Effect of Number of Schools, Classes, Pupils and Teachers on Net Enrollment Ratio (NER) with the Education Budget as a moderating variable in Aceh Province. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 4(1), 10–28.
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