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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Insights of Online Teaching Readiness Among Novice Teachers

Mohamad Faizal Ab Jabal, Set Foong Ng, Norazlinda Saad, Norbaiti Tukiman

Open access

Pandemic crisis has made a change to the teaching environment from classical pedagogy to the new technique of teaching. Conducting an online class give a different experience to all teachers around the globe. The main issue of the teachers’ readiness and the institutions to face the transition of teaching become a question. This study aimed to investigate the skill level in using online teaching tools among the novice teachers and how they handle the issues and challenges during the implementation using online platform. A survey was carried out and analyzed using combination quantitative and qualitative method. The results show almost half of the participants were not ready for the transition and lack of the knowledge to use the online tools. To encounter the challenges faced during online teaching, the solutions suggested mostly rely on the teacher's effort, student's self-motivation, parents' support, the supply of quality internet facility and gadgets. The challenges and solutions should be made known to the society. This study highlighted the importance and the need to improve teaching and learning techniques in online learning. These findings can benefit to educators and teachers in creating a successful and healthy environment for online learning in the country.

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In-Text Citation: (Ab Jabal et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ab Jabal, M. F., Ng, S. F., Saad, N., & Tukiman, N. (2022). The Insights of Online Teaching Readiness Among Novice Teachers. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development. 11(2), 1485 - 1501.