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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Motivation and Satisfaction among Students toward Volunteerism

Siti Idora Ab. Rahman, Aishah Nadirah Mohamed Alauddin, Siti Aida Lamat

Open access

Volunteering is any activity in which time is fully available for the benefit of others, an assembly, or a cause. The purpose of this study is to identify the preferred motivation among students at UiTM Seremban Campus. The lack of knowledge about the interaction of voluntary sports and behavioral differences of administrative students compared to other students. This study was designed to identify the motives of career, social, value, understanding, enhancement, and protection preferred by the students toward volunteerism. This study also was designed to investigate the relationship between motivation and satisfaction among students at UiTM Seremban Campus toward volunteerism. The questionnaire was distributed quantitatively via online. The Volunteer Function Inventory (VFI) by Clary et al. (1998) was adapted for the purposes of this study. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis and Pearson Correlation. The result showed a moderate positive relationship between motivation and satisfaction. The highest mean of preferred motivation was understanding (M = 5.88), followed by the value (M = 5.67). There is a significant relationship between motivation and satisfaction, as the p-value reported was significant (p<0.05). Findings of this study are given the advantage to everyone know what the preferred motivation that makes the volunteer attract to do the volunteerism activity. The findings show that understanding and career are the two factors that motivated volunteerism which take the further research to collect findings from a different group of people which is employees, to further sustain the opinion that volunteerism is a boost for career growth.

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In-Text Citation: (Ab Rahman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ab Rahman, S. I., Alauddin, A. N. M., & Lamat, S. A. (2022). Motivation and Satisfaction among Students toward Volunteerism. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development. 11(2), 1556 - 1564.