ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The introduction of the 'Comprehensive Direction of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0)' and 'National Digital' by the Malaysian government is seen to increase accessibility further and accelerate the involvement of the public with ICT. At the same time, the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and the enforcement of the Movement Control Order (MCO) is seen to have increased the use of digital platforms for various purposes and needs. The advancement of this technology has indirectly made it easier for people to interact, whether in economic or social aspects. However, this sophistication certainly presents a variety of new challenges, especially involving the way of life and ethics of society. The spread of fake and negative news, cyberbullying, extreme entertainment, and borderless crime increasingly fill today's digital platforms. Therefore, this study is essential in exploring implementing Islamic cyber ethics on digital platform use. Thus, this study aims to explore cyber ethics based on Islam and its application in the current use of digital platforms. The study was conducted qualitatively using literature data such as theses and journals to examine elements of cyber ethics according to Islam. The study's findings were analyzed inductively to summarize the application of Islamic cyber ethical aspects in digital platforms today, especially in Malaysia. The widespread use of digital media without monitoring and self-control exposes every user to ethical and moral violations. Therefore, digital platform users should show good manners and ethics in interacting, primarily through cyber platforms, to create a more harmonious and safer digital ecosystem. Further field research is proposed to obtain more accurate data on the direction and implementation of Islamic cyber ethics among digital platform users.
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In-Text Citation: (Meerangani et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Meerangani, K. A., Ibrahim, A. F., Mukhtar, M. Y. O., Johar, M. H. M., Badhrulhisham, A., & Othman, K. (2023). Implementation of Islamic Cyber Ethics on Digital Platform Use. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 496–506.
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