The sophistication of today's technology has seen an increase in the demand for online services involving various matters. Although this has a positive impact, this sophistication is potentially misused by certain parties for criminal purposes. Cybercrime is a modern crime that is increasing along with the enlightenment of communication and information technology. Property theft crimes include hacking, scamming, phishing, forgery of credit cards and bank account cards, and illegal money transfers. Cyber crimes are becoming more prevalent nowadays. Therefore, this study is important in exploring the violation of cybercrime on digital platform security form Islamic law perspective. Thus, this study aims to identify the forms of cybercrime in today's digital platforms and their punishment through Islamic law. The study was conducted qualitatively using literature data such as theses and journals to examine the elements of cybercrime according to Islamic law. The study's findings were analyzed inductively to determine today's cybercrime punishments on digital platforms. The change of criminal background from physical to digital format is a new thing that previous Muslim scholars did not discuss. However, the four basic principles of crime set, namely the concept of digital property, transfer of property, invasion of control, and no doubt allow the perpetrator to be convicted of the crime of theft according to Islamic law if they meet the conditions set. Further field research is proposed to obtain more authentic data related to the violation of cyber crime among digital platform’s user.
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In-Text Citation: (Meerangani et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Meerangani, K. A., Ibrahim, A. F., Mukhtar, M. Y. O., Johar, M. H. M., Badhrulhisham, A., & Termimi, M. A. A. (2022). Cybercrime and its Violation of Digital Platform Security: An Islamic Law Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(3), 503–515.
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