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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Reader Response Method to Improve the Understanding of Discipline Character Values

Abdul Talib Hashim, Alpansyah .

Open access

The objective of this study is identifying the achievement score in understanding the values of disciplinary character for students taught with KRPDPBI is better than the students taught with PBISDA. The design of this study used quasi-experimental research with two different methods: the experimental group was taught with the reader response method in Indonesian language teaching (KRPDPBI) while the control group was taught with the existing teaching method (PBISDA). Data analysis was ran using statistical tests SPSS ver. 23 in the form of a paired sample t-test to compare the mean score of the pre-test and post-test of the experimental group and the control group and an independent sample t-test to determine the significance of the mean score between the experimental group and the control group. The findings of the study shown that the achievement of character values understanding scores for the students taught with KRPDPBI based on the theme of discipline is better than the existing teaching method (PBISDA). In addition, the findings of the study also shown that there is no significant difference in the achievement of character values understanding scores for students who are taught with KRPDPBI based on the theme of discipline based on gender. The implication of this study is to improve students' understanding of the values of disciplinary character in teaching so that it provides benefits to students, teachers, schools, and education providers in strengthening the quality of understanding of student character through the reader response method.