ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Current technological changes in the industry result in a demand for human capital with a high level of employability. The country needs to have a highly skilled workforce to suit the current work environment and needs of an increasingly complex industry. The mastery of industry -based skills can produce skilled workers in line with the needs of the country. Effective teaching and learning help to produce highly skilled manpower in keeping up with current technological changes in the industry. The concept of teaching is an action that can be described as giving instructions or sharing one’s knowledge with others. Competent and quality instructors can produce a skilled workforce by using efficient delivery skills to ensure a quality training delivery process. Therefore, this analysis is done systematically to identify the elements of the competence of the teaching staff, which consists of elements of knowledge, elements of skills and elements of the attitude of the teaching staff that influence the practical teaching methods of the teaching staff. This literature review uses several databases such as Australian Research Council (ERA), Google Scholar, Google Search, ScienceDirect and Scopus to obtain refereed materials published in the last ten years of 2010 - 2020. A total of 54 refereed materials were selected using the technique 'snowballing' which is a technique for obtaining articles related to the article obtained. The results of this study found that there is agreement of previous researchers in planning and implementing practical teaching. The selection of elements for the development of an appropriate practical teaching framework in teaching will result in high -impact learning.
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In-Text Citation: (Omar et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Omar, F., Ahmad, A., Omar, F., & Dahar, A. (2022). Development of A Practical Teaching Framework in Identifying Elements of Teacher Competence. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(3), 157–166.
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