ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 4, higher learning institutions place great importance on ensuring quality education to improve students' learning performance. The issue of thesis completion rate among undergraduate students is gaining interest as it can affect their graduating on time. A review of the literature revealed that few studies had investigated the issue within a Culinary Education program context. Thus, the study attempts to examine the attributes affecting thesis completion among undergraduate students of a Culinary Education program. A quantitative research approach was employed in the study in which data was collected using the survey method from 275 respondents of the Culinary Education program. Based on the statistical analysis, it was revealed that less than 1/3 of students have successfully graduated on time. Further statistical analysis found five key factors more likely to influence thesis completion among undergraduate students. They entail motivation to graduate on time, writing skills, the availability of learning resources, the quality of thesis guidance or supervision, and peerage environmental support. Theoretically, this study contributes to the literature by enriching our understanding of the factors contributing to thesis completion among undergraduate students. From a practical standpoint, the study's findings can assist higher-learning institutions providers and educators in improving the students' thesis completion process. Several study limitations are discussed that can serve as signposts for future researchers.
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In-Text Citation: (Miranti et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Miranti, M. G., Handajani, S., Astuti, N., Luthfiati, D., Aini, A. N., & Ngelambong, A. (2022). Examining Attributes Affecting Thesis Completion among Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 3171 – 3186.
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