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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Exploring Architecture Student’s Behaviour in Using Google Workspace for Design Studio Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic

Sayed Muhammad Aiman Sayed Abul Khair, Thuraiya Mohd, Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim

Open access

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the driving factors behind the rapidly rising importance of online learning globally. Google Workspace has proven successful at enhancing teaching and learning by being the top choice of online educators in ensuring teaching and learning would not be disrupted. However, there has been a minimal study that focused on students' adoption and the use of Google Workspace in Malaysia among architecture students. The main challenge in the architectural learning environment is the replacement of face-to-face with online approaches. Therefore, this research explores architecture students’ behaviour practices using Google Workspace for learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This study employed a quantitative research method using a survey to obtain data. The study used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2), consisting of seven elements to decipher student behaviour in the learning process from three (3) Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) campuses that offer design-based courses. This research applied a combination of cluster and stratified random sampling by identifying the total population of architecture students in the three UiTM campuses. Of the seven (7) elements of behavioural patterns, Effort Expectancy has the highest frequency distribution and Hedonistic Motivation had the least. The findings suggest that Google Workspace has a favourable proclivity to be employed in design studio learning and revealed architecture students' acceptance of the use of Google Workspace for Education in these three (3) campuses. Thus, the results also serve as a resource for educators to use in devising strategies for their teaching methods in the new norm of a more engaging design studio.

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In-Text Citation: (Khair et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Khair, S. M. A. S. A., Mohd, T., & Rahim, P. R. M. A. (2022). Exploring Architecture Student’s Behaviour in Using Google Workspace for Design Studio Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(3), 1476–1492.